FAQ & Contact

We are based in Plattsburgh, NY. Just 2 miles north of the Cumberland head movie theatre!
We would love to hear from you. If your question is not answered below or if you would like to schedule a visit, please contact us!


Email: contact@plattsburghrodandgun.com

Facebook: Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club

Tel (call or text): 518-593-9074

View the full list of officers, directors, range safety officers, and program directors here



When are you open?


Please see our hours of operation at the bottom of our website for reference. It's recommended that you arrive when we open if you plan to shoot. We close if nobody shows up or when the shooting is finished.


Can I fish, hunt or boat?


Yes, members can fish in our pond (it has excellent fishing), and you are welcome to leave your boat here. Hunting is also allowed by members. All memberships include access to the pond and hunting, including our fishing and hunting only membership. Membership information can be found on our website here.


Do you have an outdoor range?


No, we are strictly an indoor range (50 feet). However, archery is shot both indoors and outdoors.


Do you provide instruction?


Yes we offer free instruction for both rifle and pistol


Can I borrow or rent a rifle or pistol?


The club loans out rifles at no cost for our visitors and members. However, the club does not loan out or rent pistols.


Can Canadians shoot here?


Yes, Canadians are welcome to shoot for the day or become members - we have many Canadian members. Anyone can shoot rifle, but please note that in NYS you need a pistol permit to shoot pistol. Canadians are welcome to shoot and borrow our rifles.


What caliber guns can I shoot?


Any caliber pistol may be used on the range, but only .22 long rifle ammo is permitted for rifle shooting.


Do you accept credit cards?


Yes we do. You can pay here for membership and here for our range fee.


Can I shoot for the day?


Absolutely! Non Members pay $12 to use the range for the day  just be sure to bring your own ammunition (or purchase .22 ammo here). We provide targets, ear, and eye protection and you can borrow rifles and no additional cost. The range is only openned during specified times, so please look at our hours before making the trip down to the range.

Members pay $8 during the winter and $6 during the summer 

juniors pay $5 year round 


Is the range open year round?


Yes, our range is open all year long! Our indoor range stays cozy and warm during the winter months.



View the Standard Operating Procedures here


The Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club,  does not and shall not discriminate

on the  basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry),

disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status, in any of its activities or operations.