Our Range is Open, we hope that you will consider returning soon.
The Board of Directors have adopted the following procedures to be used to insure that we do so as safely as possible; These procedures will be in place until the Board Decides to amend or terminate them. If an individual fails to follow these protocols they will be asked to leave and the incident will be reported to the Club's Grievance Committee for their review and action.
- If you are feeling ill or suspect that you have been in contact with someone who might have COV 19 please do not come to the club.
- When you are in the clubhouse, you must wear a face mask, and must socially distance as much as possible. We also ask that you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you arrive.
- Your temperature will be taken upon arrival, no one with a temperature greater that 100.04 will be admitted.
- On your first visit to the range we will require everyone to sign an assumption of risk and waiver to be kept on file.
- On every visit everyone must sign in and pay their daily shooting fee.
- Only four shooters will be allowed on the firing line at any time and a maximum of ten individuals including range safety officers will be allowed in the shooting range. An additional 7 individuals will be permitted to wait in the clubhouse, until space is available in the shooting range.
- Range ventilation fans must be on when the range is in use.
- Any club equipment that is used must be wiped down prior to storage or before another individual uses the equipment.
- All other standard safety rules are still applicable. Remember or Range is a "cold range" please enter the clubhouse with your firearm unloaded. Please obey all range safety rules; only go down range when permitted to do so by the Range Safety Officer; do not load or fire until permission is granted.
- It is suggested that you wash your hands when you are finished shooting and are urged to use a fresh mask upon your exit. Keep in mind that gun powder and other particles from shooting will be on the outside of your mask and on your hands.
If you have any questions please ask the Range Officer upon your arrive. For questions prior to arrival call Sam Gordon (Chair of the Board ) at518-572-8366
or myself at 518-534-1730.
Our Next Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday June 24th. at 7pm. All are welcome.
We will discus the procedures outlined above and make any necessary changes.
We tentatively plan to meet inside the rifle range so that we can spread out.
Recovery Committee
We have organized a Recovery committee to help with the loss both to active members and the financial loss the club sustained from our shutdown. Ian Dunbar and Robert Jean have decided to lead this committee. If you have any suggestions please contact them.
If you are interested in serving on this committee please let us know. They will report their findings at our June meeting.
Donations being accepted
As stated above, the club lost a lot of income but still had expenses to pay during the shutdown caused by COV 19. We are hoping that our membership will consider making a financial donation to the club to assist with our recovery. A few members have already stated they intend to make a donation. Please consider contributing if you are in a financial position to do so.
Pistol Permit Safety Course
Our next Permit Safety Course will take place on;
Saturday May 30th at 12:30
Saturday June 13th at 12:30
Saturday June 20th at 12:30
Saturday June 27th at 12:30
Saturday July 18th at 12:30
Saturday July 25th at 12:30
To register or for information call Dave Boise at 518-569-0908
Club Work Day - We have decided not to hold a formal work day at this time, however we have lots of small projects that you could help with, please let us know if you are interested.
Lawn Cutting - The lawn needs to be cut once a week. We are looking for volunteers to mow, even just once would be a big help. We have a key available and the mower is ready to go. Please let me know if you can assist.
Hours of Operation
Sunday Pistol 6pm
Tuesday Rifle 6pm
Wednesday Pistol 4:30
IDPA Pistol 8Pm
Thursday JR Rifle ** RSVP to Jayce & John
Friday Pistol 7pm
Saturday Rifle & Pistol 11am **** (Saturday shooting will start on May 30th)****
** Thursdays will be for juniors only, we will stager start times to allow for social distancing.
Please call or text Jayce 518-536-2853
Please remember you must wear a facemask to be permitted to enter the clubhouse. Only four shooters max will be permitted on the firing line, using every other firing point. Non shooters should stay 6 feet apart.
Go to www.PlattsburghRodandGun.Com for the latest updates and information about our club, Including membership forms, and links to join the NRA.
Home | Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club
National Rifle League/ VT Winter Postal League 2020 Final Results and Standings VTWinterPostalLeague@yahoo.com www.PlattsburghRodandGun.com (518) 534-1730
Below find the final results for this Year’s 2020 National Rifle League season.
See you all at the range
Peter Visconti
President Platt R&G