Hello Club Members,
Our First Monthly Meeting of the Fall will be Wednesday September 9th at 7pm.
To allow for social distancing we will once again meet in the actual rifle range.
Pistol Shooting will follow the meeting at 8pm
Some of the items on the agenda will be;
Possible future open houses, Holiday Party, Work Day, (once the Board deems it safe to do so)
Quilt Raffle
Jr & College Shooting updates
Pistol League, Rifle League
Rifle Matches
Treasure's Report
New Range Safety Officer Operating Procedures ( See attachment below ) to be voted on. These Operating Procedures technically fall under the purview of the Chief Range Safety Officer. They will hopefully keep us all on the same page and consistent. Its nothing really new as all Range Safety Officers should be following these procedures regardless as this is how we have verbally been instructed to in the past.
Our annual election of officers and directors and Oct Club Meeting, will take place on Wed October 14th at 7pm
Our Range is Open
We are open at the following times,
Hours of Operation
Sunday Archery 3pm *
Pistol 6pm
Monday College Rifle 5:30
Tuesday Rifle 6pm
Wednesday Pistol 4:00
IDPA Pistol 8Pm
Thursday Jr Rifle 4pm ***
Jr Rifle 6:30 ***
Friday Pistol 7pm
Saturday Rifle & Pistol 11am
* Archery Start date will be sometime in September
*** Jr Rifle Starting Thursday September 17th, For Juniors & Students, RSVP are required to attend max of 8 shooters
Call or text John T at 518-420-2786 to RSVP for 4pm time and Jayce A at 518-536-2853
to RSVP for 6:30 shooting
Pistol Permit Safety Course
Our next Permit Safety Course will take place on Saturdays from 1pm to 5pm on;
September 5th
September 19th
October 3rd
October 17th
November 14th
November 28th
December 5th
December 19th
To register or for information call Dave Boise at 518-569-0908
Lawn Cutting and maintenance - The lawn still needs to be cut. We also have various projects to be completed both indoors and outdoors if you have the time, let us know. .
We are on Facebook, check us out and "like" us to see photos and weekly updates.