National Rifle League Week 10 2019 Results

              Below find the results for Week Ten of this Year’s 2019 National Rifle League season.    Chico CA, was back in first place this week with a 1592,  they were led by Justin Nissen who fired a 399 in 4-P; Albion PA was in second this week, just two points behind with a 1590, they were led by Joe Schrader who fired a 399 in 4-P.   Joe also fired a 399 in air rifle/standing.  A very impressive week 10.    Plattsburgh with a 1587, was in 3rd place this week, they were led by Amy Visconti who fired a 398 in 4-P; Roslyn NY came in fourth with a 1581, they were led by Fred Greco who fired a 399 in prone. 

          Our Top Junior Shooters are A.J. Fedora of Sutter with a 399 in 4-P; Scotty Rockett with a 396  in standing; William Durant of Chester NH with a 370 prone.  Our Top Senior Shooters were Fred Greco, Hap Rocketto and Wesley Shumaker 399 in Prone; Joe Shrader 399 in 4-P, Scott Correa, in Sporter Rifle, 369 and Joe Schrader 399 in standing  

       Week 10 Results & Final Results will be sent out in Three E-mails, your regular week 10 results, week 10 Bracket match results and then finally your End of Season Final Results and Standings.           

              Go directly to  and see all of the individual and team results.  You can also see past Weekly reports at  click on Rifle Programs then League Results.  Go to Plattsburgh website during the offseason for updates on next year’s league season and registration information for 2020.   


          Please share these results with your teammates and fellow shooters.  See you all at the range.

                                                                                                     Peter Visconti, Esq.

                                                                                                      League Director    


Contact the Vermont Winter Postal League here:


(518) 534-1730 

National Rifle League 2019



Week 10 Team results


1.  Chico CA                   1592

2.  Albion PA                   1590

3.  Plattsburgh NY          1587

4.  Roslyn NY                 1578

5.  Sutter G CA               1576  

6.  New Holland PA        1567

7.  Vankleek ON             1562

8.  Barrington NH           1549

9.  Sutter W CA               1542

10. Sutter B CA                1531

11. Hudson Falls NY       1528

12. Jamestown NY          1519

13. SUNY C NY               1515

14. Capital City WA         1505

15.  Queen Ann G MD     1503

16. Sutter Y CA               1492

17. Plattsburgh A NY       1489

18. Amboy OH                 1474

19. Plattsbugh E NY        1449

20. SUNY R NY               1445

21. Massena NY             1431

22. Plattsburgh Jrs NY    1378

23. Binghampton NY       1323

24. Chester 4H R NH      1293

25.  SUNY W NY             1285

26.  Mt Vernon WA          1269

27.  Chester 4H NH         1119

28.  Torrington B CT        1115

29. Nashville TN              1097

30.  Burlington VT           1044

31.  Rotterdam NY            665

32.  Queen Ann Go MD    634

33.  Torrington S CT         513

34.  SUNY 4 NY                212








                   National Rifle League 2019   Week 10

                                               All – Stars

Northern  Conference

Eastern Division                 Northern Division           Saratoga Division

John Durant               388       Amy Visconti            398     Robin Morris     381

Robert Lynn                392      Peter Visconti           397    Joe Collins           388

Craig Moul                  394        Drew Visconti         396     Dan Collier          382

Scotty Rockett           396        Matt Labonte           397    Scott Rager         377

                                   1570                                        1588                                1528             


Western Conference                                                                                                        

Western Division                   Central Division                   Southern Division

Justin Nissen           399         Dave Dunkle         398         Hap Rocketto          399

George Martin        397         Joe Shrader           399        Fred Greco               399

Michelle Ahola       398         Colby Pecorella     397        Paul Irvin                  396

Dana Ahola             398         Todd Hanson          398        Wesley Shumaker 399                                                                                                           

                               1592                                         1592        Larry Puccio            396                                                                                        


                                Junior All – Stars Week 10


                                      Eastern Conference  


Northern  Division             Eastern Division           Saratoga Division         

 Amy Visconti          398      Scotty Rockett       396    Simon Joyner   336    

 Kyle Johnston        372      Emily Downey        307    Cooper Bump   272                                    

 Holly Visconti         366      Herrick Hauschel   323    Jonah Allen      347                

 Spencer Ashline    354       William Durant      370     Caludia Allen   368

                              1490                                  1396                           1323  


                                     Western Conference

 Central Division              Western Division           Southern Division

 Colby Pecorella     397     AJ Fedora               399   Candler Deaton    393

 Mathew Corlew     388     Russel Graf             389   Mason Mackenzie 387

                                          Madelynn Erickson 393    Michael Donoho   386

                                         Joe Benesh             386    Malena Childers   384

                                                                       1567                                1550



                                         Seniors All-Stars

  Western Conference                                      Eastern Conference

   Wesely Shumaker  399                                    Joe Collins           388

   Hap Rocketto          399                                   Robert Lynn          392

   Fed Greco              399                                    Scott Rager          385

   Joe Schrader          399                                    Rob Rabideau      385

                                 1596                                                              1550



                         National Rifle League 2019



                                 TOP SHOTS Week 10



   Western Conference                  VS               Eastern Conference


                                                             Four Position


   Justin Nissen          399                                 Peter Visconti           395

   AJ Fedora               399                                Drew Visconti            396

   Todd Hanson          398                                 Amy Visconti            398

   Joe Schrader          399                                 Robert Lynn              392                      

   Dana Ahola             398                                                                1581

   Michelle Ahola        398                

                               1595              Prone


   Wesely Shumaker   399               VS      Paul Deslierres                 396

   Larry Puccio            396                          Matthieu Parker-Labonte  397

   Hap Rocketto          399                          Peter Visconti                    397

   Fred Greco             399                          Craig Moul                          394

                                 1593                                                                  1584                         




Mason Mackenzie   387                  VS           Scotty Rockett         396                          

Wesley Shumaker   374                                 Jonah Allen              347

Michael Donoho      386                                 Jon Carlisle               363

Joe Shrader            399                                 Claudia Allen             368                                                                                                                          

Perry McFarland     374                                                                  1474
