Club Events and News

Pistol Safety Course.

This is our  big news;  Dave Boise, our club VP & Pistol Director has received permission  from Clinton County to conduct the Pistol Safety Courses required to obtain your pistol permit or receive a carry permit.   You can call Dave directly to ask him about the details or to register.  


His number is 518-569-0908Image removed.Image removed..


Classes will be held on Saturdays from 1-5pm on the following dates;

March 7th,  March 21st, April 18th and April 25th



Please pass on this news!!


Open House, 

On Saturday February 22nd the club will host and open house from 12:30-2:30.   Members, and non members can use the range at no cost for Rifle, Pistol and Archery.  Rifle & Archery equipment will be available for loan and well.  If interested you can also ice fish on the pond that day.   Please extend an invitation to anyone you think might be interested in joining our Club.   Please let us know if you can help on this date. 


Rifle Match.

Our next and final rifle match of the season will take place on Saturday April 4th.  We have equipment to loan out if you are interested in participating.   No open shooting that day. 


Boy Scouts - The Boy Scouts will be camping at our club the weekend of February 15 &16th.  They will use the range after open shooting finishes.



Board of Directors Meeting -  Wednesday  March 11th at 6:30pm

Club Meeting -  Wednesday March 11th at 7:15pm 

                             Wednesday April 8th at 7pm



Club Work Day.  Will take place on Saturday April 18th from 8:30-12:30 (prior to Pistol Course)


Clinton County 4-H Archery  will use our range for Archery prior to open shooting

on the following Saturdays from 10am  to 11am (9:30-11:30);

February 8th

March 14th

April 11th

May 9th

June 13th


Youth Shooting Program

Our youth shooting program has really taken of with about 10-12 junior shooters every Thursday.  Thanks to Jayce A, John T, Ian D for helping out.   We are always looking for extra help. 

This program has provided a lot of dividends to our club and the shooting community;

Amy V has received an athletic scholarship to Georgia Southern U.  Andrew V will be graduating from Wofford after shooting for them for 4 years.  Currently we also have two of our former junior shooters Ethan H & Derek J,  starting for Plattsburgh State University.  Dylan G & Issac A recent graduates from PSU are now active members of our club.   Alex one of our former junior shooters opens the range on Saturdays.


NRA Grants

The club will receive a Anschutz target rifle as part of this years grant.

The SUNY Marksmanship club will  receive 5 cases of ammunition and pellets  

The Clinton County 4-H archery also received a nice grant.


SUNY Marksmanship Club

The students are back in school for the Spring semester and will be heading to the MAC Championships for the third straight year the weekend of March 7&8th at MIT.


Rough Riders Rifle Team

Our Rough Riders are currently in first place in the Northern Division and Eastern Conference of the National Rifle League. 


Wood Stove Fire place base.   Thank you to Doc A, Pete F and Sam G for working on the new brick foundation for our wood stove, not only does it look great its a lot safer. 


Electric Upgrade.  Thank you to Robert T and John T for doing a bunch of electric upgrades at our club including installing a new electrical box.


The Chazy Rod and Gun Club is hosting a fishing tournament on February 29th attached is a form with information.


NRA Renewals -  Please use our club website to renew your NRA Membership, you receive a discount and the club receives a commission.


The club is on facebook, look us up and "like" us.


You can renew your club membership on our website, under the membership tab.