Jr Shooting Fall Start up information

Hello Junior Shooters, Parents and Coaches,


We typically start up our Junior Shooting Program mid October.   However we have received a lot of interest in starting sooner.   Part because of reduced fall sports and part because of how safe a sport we are in these COVID times.


In this regard we have decided to start up our program officially starting Thursday September 17th


I understand John has a few juniors shooting already at 4pm, if you are interested in joining him feel free to give him a call.


We will try to take all precautions to run our program as safely as possible.


Please see the COVID Procedure list below,  


Good news John constructed and we received denotations from two individuals including the National Rifle League to construct baffles to allow each point to be separated.  


We will run our program for now until Soccer is finished, then we will re-evaluate our times to adjust them to fit everyone's schedule.


Right now we will shoot at two times.



4pm till about 5:15 with Coach  John  T   518-420-2786


6:30-7:30 with Coach  Jayce A    518-536-2853


Coach Peter V  518-534-1730

Will alternate as needed, also depending on his daughters soccer schedule.  His son Andrew ( who just graduated after shooting NCAA ) is a NRA Certified Instructor and will also be around to help instruct.   Ian one of our parents is also NRA Certified and will also help.


We want to limit the attendance to just 8 shooters, so its important that you RSVP your attendance to either John or Jayce. Depending on your time preference.


 This is needed for  three reasons; first if nobody is going to show, no need to open up and set up;  second to keep it at 8 shooters and third to know how many lanes to set up and prepare 


Please get a hold of either John or Jayce (depending on your preferred shooting time) and let them know your interest and when you would be interested in starting to shoot.  Then of course follow up with a RSVP each week.


If you have any specific questions feel free to touch base with Peter.  


Again please read the procedures below;


Please share this email with any juniors that might be interested and provide me with their email if they want to join our email list.


We are fortunate to have enough coaching and equipment  to provide a quality program.  


See you all at the range,


Peter.  518-534-1730

Jayce. 518-536-2853

John.   518-420-2786


PS below you will also find a photo of the dividers in use and a photo of Amy Visconti who graduated our program last year and is now at college 


 Our Covid Plans contain the following provisions,


  1.   You need to RSVP prior to practice so that only 8 will shoot at a time. 

  1.  If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms do not attend.

  1.   You must wear a mask. Unless the range Safety Officer determines that it’s safe enough ( attendance is low enough) to not wear them.

  1.   You must check your temperature when entering the building. You can do this at home or at the range 100.3 and above stay home.

  1.   You must wash your hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival and after you are finished shooting

  1.   You must sign the Platt R&G waiver ( on your first visit to range)

  1.  You must sign attendance sheets  (this is for COVID Tracing if needed) 

  1.   You must bring a towel to lay on the prone matts, then we will spray the matt down after you are finished with disinfectant.

  1.   You must wipe down your rifle before and after use.  

   10. We will use range pt.dividers to separate Jrs.


   11.    Except for a few of our advanced shooters juniors will wear street clothes. To make it easier we will focus on prone like last year.  This will again limit sharing. We will re-evaluate this come December & January.
            If you are interested in purchasing a shooting jacket / glove and such for personal use please let me know, I can assist you.  Normally I don’t recommend this, but with COVID it’s probably the way to go.  For about $150 you can purchase both. 


    12.    No food or drinks permitted in the range.