3-Position Smallbore Match Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in this weeks 60 shot 3-Postion smallbore match held at the Plattsburgh R&G Club and fired on the USA-50 targets. We had 23 shooters. Our Top College shooter was Mike Buck, from Plattsburgh State, who fired a 548 and our Top Junior Shooter was Amy Visconti, from the Plattsburgh R&G JR Rough Riders with a 546. Our winning team was the SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinals who out shot the Plattsburgh Rough Riders 2073 to 2035. Below and attached you will find the results of this match. Our next event will be a 60 shot prone match on the USA-50 targets to be held on Saturday December 8th. Please let me know who relay you prefer to shoot. Times will be 9am, 10:30, 12:00 and 1:30. This is usually well attended event I expect to see over 30 shooters participate. See you all at the range Peter Visconti President Plattsburgh R&G Club Coach Jr Rough Riders & Plattsburgh State Plattsburgh R&G Club 3-P Smallbore Match November 5th & 8th 2018 60 Shots 3-P Smallbore USA-50 Targets Competitor Class Team Total Score 1st Peter Visconti Open Plattsburgh R&G Rough Riders 554 2nd Mike Buck Col SUNY Platt Cardinals 548 3rd Amy Visconti JR Platt R&G JR Rough Riders 546 Karen Visconti Open Plattsburgh R&G Rough Riders 525 Kim Quinn Col SUNY Platt Cardinals 515 Kyle Johnston JR Plattsburgh Jr Rough Rides 515 Dylan Gladd Col SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinals 508 Christina Dunn Col SUNY Platt Cardinals 502 Justin Yeaple Col SUNY Platt Red 496 Tom Pillsworth Open Platt R&G Rough Riders 480 Jayce Ashline Open Plattsburgh R&G Rough Riders 476 Brian Berg Open Massena Gun Club 470 Austin Duquette Col SUNY Platt Red 462 Isaac Anderson Col SUNY Platt Red 441 Alexandria Elliott Col SUNY Platt Red 440 Spencer Ashline JR Plattburgh R&G JR Rough Riders 426 Kaitlin Bird Col SUNY Platt White 409 Travis Gebo Col SUNY Platt White 407 Holly Visconti JR Plattsburgh R&G JR Rough Rider 392 Mike Bromsey Col SUNY Platt White 361 Jason Belrose Col SUNY Platt White 358 David Labarge Col SUNY Platt White 324 Lam Nguyen Col SUNY Platt White 290 Team Scores 1st SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinals 2073 4th SUNY Plattsburgh Red 1839 2nd Plattsburgh R&G Rough Riders 2035 5th SUNY Plattsburgh White 1535 3rd Platts R&G JR Rough Riders 1879